"It's weird from my own experience , I knew that investing in commodities was no more risky than investing in stocks or bonds - and at certain times in the business circle commodities were a much better investment that most anything around . Some investors made money investing in commodities when when it was virtually impossible to make money investing in the stock market . Some made money investing in commodities when the economy was booming and when the economy was going in reverse . And when I pointed out to people that their technology stocks have been more volatile than virtually any commodity over time , they nodded politely and kept looking for the next new thing in equities"
Jim Rogers from his book Hot Commodities : How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market
Jim Rogers president of Rogers Holdings is George Soros former partner and co-founder of the Quantum Fund, and a truly legendary international investor who helped generate a 4,200% total return over a 10-year period .Jim Rogers is always bullish on Asia Commodities Agricultural Products gold and silver
Only too true ... Do we see a gold bubble?