Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rogers is hot on China but not very enthusiastic about India

”Asia is fueled by massive investment and growth. And in Asia, China is the hottest destination. So I continue to look for investment opportunities in China,” Jim Rogers commodities investor and global investment guru said
Rogers is co founder of the Quantum fund with George Soros he is a commodities guru and author of famous books like Hot Commodities and A Bull in China
He told a conference of bankers and investors : “When you see problems in China, don’t think it is the end of the story. You should pick up the phone and get involved in China.”

He is very hot on China but he is not very enthusiastic about India. “I am excited about India as a travel destination. For an investment proposition in India, I would think twice,” he added.
Moreover, he said he is upset with India, because of the Indian government decision to ban futures trading in some commodities. “I am a commodity investment guy. So whenever I hear governments meddling with commodity investments and futures trading, I get upset,” Rogers added.

Tags : Jim Rogers China vs India Investment Fund Opportunities commodities Peter Schiff morning Joe MSNBC Senate Race Chris Dodd Linda Mac Mahon peterschiff schiffreport Ron Paul glenn beck obama CNN FOX Business News CNBC Bloomberg aljazeera gerald celente warren buffett marc faber jim rogers gold silver dollar max keiser lou dobbs bob chapman alex jones david icke economy collapse stock market wall street

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Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China "
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