Jim Rogers on China's stocks: not the time to buy
"I will not buy Chinese stocks at this time. After a year or two, I would consider buying Chinese stocks again. " Jim Rogers told today the chinese newspaper The People's daily online , on the same way Rogers told yesterday another Chinese newspaper The Shanghai Securities News
Jim Rogers have bought his first Chinese stocks in 1999 he said that he never sold one since but that he won't be buying any Chinese stocks at the present time cause the prices have soared dramatically since the beginning of this year , the Chinese stock market rose by an estimated 80% in 2009 , Jim Rogers says that he will buy more Chinese shares in the future if he senses any signs of collapse in the Chinese market ....Jim Rogers is presently in China participating in a forum in Guangzhou , Guangdong province
Via People's Daily Online
Guangzhou is a real dump. Take a quick look around the factory towns and you'll find some of the worst living conditions in civilized China. Real rat holes.