Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Auto Industry Booming in China

ShangHai : The Next Detroit
For automakers China is the New Frontier , The world's fastest growing market with millions of new consumers , even more attractive to foreign retailers is the emerging class of young successful Chinese , while American car makers like Chrysler and General Motor are being bankrupted one after the other companies like Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp(SAIC).is ready to flood the market with cheap Chinese made automobiles , Shanghai will become the new Detroit and china will become the first automaker in the world , no western or Japanese industry could compete with Chinese prices , the ones that would like to survive have only one option in front of them which is move the production to China . China is no more that third world country that has only textile and toys to sell on the market ,China certainly has entered very strategic sectors like auto industry and aeronautic not to mention electronic etc ...what this will mean for the west who so far have been dominating in these sectors ? more unemployment certainly more social unrest if not revolutions or the rise of totalitarian regimes , police states , a third world war is not to exclude in the medium term as has been predicted by prominent futurists like Gerald Celente and Bob Chapman ...the shift in power technology and wealth from the west to Asia and in particular to china have been so deep intense and in short time that many people in the west will become very angry about it especially when they will start losing their jobs ,

1 comment:

  1. John Steinbeck says the following in the remaining few pages of the Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 29:
    -No work till spring. No work.
    -And if no work--no money, no food.
    -Fella had a team of horses, had to use 'em to plow an' cultivate an' mow, wouldn't think a turnin' 'em out to starve when they wasn't workin'.
    -Them's horses--we're men.
    The women watched the men, watched to see whether the break had come at last. The women stood silently and watched. And where a number of men gathered together, the fear went from their faces, and anger took its place. And the women sighed with relief, for they knew it was all right--the break had not come; and the break would never come as long as fear could turn to wrath.
    there's a reason for martial music


Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China "
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