Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

JIM ROGERS on FUTURE FOR THE WORLD - Prepare Now For A Collapse of Epic Proportions

For the second time in the space of ten years, the powerful Bilderberg group is plotting to trigger a financial collapse, with elitists already positioning themselves to profit from the next economic meltdown. As we reported back in 2006 during the Bilderberg Group’s meeting in Ottawa, Canada, leaked information from an American delegate revealed that insiders were preparing for the housing bubble to burst and a global market crash. Over the course of the next two years, that exact scenario played out, culminating in the collapse of Lehman Brothers and a worldwide recession. As the global financial picture begins to look increasingly bleak, with worries about a Chinese stock market collapse triggering a wider panic, Bilderberg is once again scheming to benefit from the fallout, while the “precariat,” those who are living paycheck to paycheck, are set to suffer the most. Mainstream news outlets are already starting to use the phrase “economic collapse” to describe what is going on in some areas of our world right now. For many Americans this may seem a bit strange, but the truth is that the worldwide economic slowdown that began during the second half of last year is starting to get a lot worse. In this article, we are going to examine evidence of this from South America, Europe, Asia and North America. Once we are done, it should be obvious that there is absolutely no reason to be optimistic about the direction of the global economy right now. The warnings of so many prominent experts are now becoming a reality, and what we have witnessed so far are just the early chapters of a crushing economic crisis that will affect every man, woman and child in the entire world. Let’s start with Brazil. It has the 7th largest economy on the entire planet, and it is already enduring its worst recession in 25 years. In fact, at the end of last year Goldman Sachs said that what was going on down there was actually a “depression“. The Economic Collapse Of South America Is Well Underway“. "Jim Rogers" Collapse Economy Prepare Knowledge global bank "Bank Account" Savings "Savings Account" 2008 Bills Debt Job Employment Investment China Forex Trade Trading "Forex Trading" Money Cash Wealth Elite Banker Banking U.S. USA America Singapore Oil "Stock Market" UK Brexit Euro Sale 2016 2017 gold silver bullion "Gold Coin" "Interest Rate" future Pension Mortgage "Elite NWO Agenda" brent crude london flight alex jones infowars gerald celente marc faber coast to coast am 7 year cycle fed federal reserve QE unlimited bankrupt history illuminati new world order Meanwhile, things are actually much worse in Venezuela than they are in Brazil. Food and basic supplies are in short supply, the inflation rate has hit 720 percent, and crime is completely out of control. G7 in Japan ignored a dire warning issued by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about the perilous state of the global economy and the risk “of the re-emergence of a Lehman-scale crisis.” The collapse and bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008, at the time the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank, was the seminal event of the subprime financial crisis. Its implosion resulted in the loss of more than $10 trillion in market capitalization from global equity markets. selloffs are occurring in Spain, Italy, Greece and Germany. Economic troubles are intensified by an uncertain geopolitical situation in the Middle East and tensions between the United States, Russia and China. Instead of focusing on a looming economic catastrophe, the G7 leaders warned against a Brexit. UK voters will decide on leaving the union during a referendum scheduled for June 23. Why is George Soros selling stocks, buying gold and making “a series of big, bearish investments”?

Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

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Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China "
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