Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jim Rogers Interviewed by The Yemen Times

Investment Guru traveler and author Jim Rogers to Yemen Times:
“If we don’t have people going towards farming and prices are going up, we are not going to have any food at any price

Jim Rogers is a Wall Street legend, who in 1970 co-founded the historical Quantum Fund with George. Soros, during 10 years the portfolio gained more than 4200 percent. He then retired at the age of 37. Setting Guinness World Records, Jim Rogers travelled the world once in 1988 on a motorcycle and another time in 1999 in a custom made Mercedes Benz.

Jim Rogers lectured at the University of Columbia as a visiting professor. He has authored five books, most of which are international best sellers. Jim Rogers is a regular commentator to world news channels such as CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg and others. He is a regular speaker in international conference.

Believing the future hold great favors for South East Asia especially China, Jim Rogers sold his New York Mansion and moved to Singapore in 2007. He has two daughters, the eldest of whom is Happy, 4, who already speaks Mandarin.

Your latest book “Crystal Ball” is in Mandarin only! Could you give us a little insight into the book and why you are not publishing it in English?

Well, there was a Chinese journalist who has been doing a huge study of my life it turns out, and she contacted me and said she would like to do a biography and would I agree and would I cooperate, and I said yes. That’s why it’s done in Chinese, I don’t know if it’s going to be in English or not, it’s not my book, she wrote it. It was written by a Chinese journalist for Chinese audience. It may well be in English someday, I am not translating it, I haven’t even read the book so I don’t know what it says. This is a book about me, not by me.

President Barak Obama received further political boost three days ago when the House of Representatives approved a $3.4 trillion budget outline that endorses much of Mr Obama’s agenda. What do you think this gigantic increase will lead to? And who would benefit most from it?

It’s not good for America it’s not good for the world. It’s not going to work, they are spending a lot of money on making projects work rather than building long term competitiveness of America. America does not have that kind of money, they are going to have to borrow it, print it or tax it, none of which will be good for the American economy in the long run or for the world.

So no, this is just making the situation worse rather than better, many of the Asian countries starting to spend money, but many of them have big reserves which they’ve built up for a rainy day, and now it’s rainy so they are starting to spend their reserve, many of them are spending it in wise ways to be good for the long term competitiveness of the nation. America is not.

to read The Rest Click Here


  1. I am realizing that it's time to get out of the USA and move elsewhere. We are quickly moving away from what made us successful and into very dangerous times.

  2. Yeah, I moved in February this year and I ain't going back...not in a decade or two...or ever...

  3. It is thought we owe 13 trillion to the rest of the world but in fact only less than 60% of our debt is held by anyone, it is simply printed out of thin air(weather it came from the treasury or US bank makes no difference)it is held by no other interest. Does that make it any better or worse I really don't know


Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China "
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